Arcade Legacy League
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Preplay Sheet: Arcade Legacy Spring League 24

Use this form to help record preplay scores. Preplays are used when you have a planned or unplanned absence from a scheduled league meet. Here are some helpful guidelines for doing preplays...

If you have any questions, please ask a league officer for assistance!

Preplay for Date Player Attack From Mars AvengersInfi Banzai Run Barracora Batman 66 Beatles

Preplay for Date Player Black Knight BlackKnightS Bram Stoker Congo Corvette CreatureFrom

Preplay for Date Player Deadpool Demolition Man Doctor Who Elektra Embryon Excalibur

Preplay for Date Player F-14 Tomcat Far Out Firepower Foo Fighters Funhouse Galaxy

Preplay for Date Player Game of Thrones Godzilla Gold Wings Gorgar Grand Prix Guardiansoft

Preplay for Date Player HarlemGlobet Haunted House Hotdoggin Iron Maiden James Bond 007 Jaws

Preplay for Date Player John Wick Johnny Mnemonic Judge Dredd Junkyard Jurassic Park KISS

Preplay for Date Player Labyrinth Laser Cue Lectronamo Mandalorian Mars God of War Medieval Madness

Preplay for Date Player Metallica Paragon Pulp Fiction Road Show Rush Sorcerer

Preplay for Date Player Split Second Star Gazer Star Wars Stranger Things StrikesandSp Target Alpha

Preplay for Date Player Taxi The Walking Dead TheAddamsFam TMNT Tron Legacy Twilight Zone

Preplay for Date Player Venom White Water Wild Card Willy Wonka WWF Royal Rumble Xenon